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Birthday Packages:

Princess Party:

Invite your friends to wear their favorite
princess dress and join you in a royal party! Includes: a themed craft, music and dancing (led by On Your Toes Force
dancers). Paper products, table décor and birthday banner included. Pizza and drinks are available for additional cost.
$130 for 10 children, each additional child $10 each.

Ballerina Party:

Invite your friends to wear a tutu or ballet
attire! Includes: a themed craft and On Your Toes Force dancers will lead a

fun-filled ballet class full of leaps, twirls and games.
Paper products, table décor and birthday banner included.
Pizza and drinks are available for additional cost. $130 for 10
children, each additional child $10.00

Disney Descendants Party:

Includes: a themed craft, music and dancing (led by On Your Toes Force dancers). Paper products, table décor and birthday banner included. Pizza and drinks are available for additional cost.
$130 for 10 children, each additional child $10 each.

Pink Glitter Party:

Includes: a glitter slime craft, music and
dancing (led by On Your Toes Force dancers). Paper products,table décor and birthday banner included. Pizza and drinks are
available for additional cost.
$130 for 10 children, each additional child $10 each.

Have your own idea? Work with us to make it come to life!


Call or email Lisa for more information and to book your party today: 216-392-3850 or


Parties are available:

Saturdays- 3:00-4:30 & 5:00-6:30


Sundays-  2:00-3:30 & 4:00-5:30


*All profits go directly to OYT Force Dancers to offset the costs of the National Competition in Chicago.

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